On occasion I will do a Party where the hostess's mother is in attendance or a guest attends with her mom. I think it's awesome! Now, for some ladies it might weird them out when they hear their own mothers talk about the sex they are or aren't having. These ladies kind of do the "I'm going to hold my hands over my ears and go 'la la laaaa' so I don't hear you" thing. But ya know what, mothers are sexual human beings as well!
Sure, they're our moms... they raised us... they supported us.. they are our biggest fans. But how do you think you became into being, huh? That's right! They had some sex!
I guess some of the younger ladies that attend might be uncomfortable with the idea that their moms might actually realize that they're having sex in some form or another, but it's such a fun environment, that they seem to get over it pretty quickly. :-p
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really appreciate when a mom and daughter team are at the parties together. To me, it means that mom and daughter are respectful enough of each other and realize that both are adults with needs, that attending a sex toy party together is a bonding experience.
Besides, we do private ordering so no one knows what anyone is getting unless that orderer chooses to reveal it.
And, I'm sure we've got lots to learn from our moms...
Now if only I could get my mother to accept the fact that this is my "job" job...
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