I am an Aries. And boy, oh boy, am I screwed!
Of course, me being me, I wanted to know what it had to say about my sexual prowess... of course!
1) That I like to be harder, faster, louder, better than all of my lovers' lovers.... hmmm.. okay. I can sort of see that.
2) That I don't like foreplay and just want to get down to it. HUH?!?!?!? Okay, I admit, yes, there are times (okay, many times) when I want to just get down to it. But I am a woman after all, and I do like the foreplay. I can't fully enjoy myself without getting warmed up first. I'm not like a guy with his erection ready to stick it in something. That's right, if I'm not warmed up enough, the orgasm won't be making its appearance and I'm going to be slightly cranky for being denied it. All that hard work and I don't rewarded with an orgasm? You'd be pretty damn cranky and slightly resentful too if they were getting theirs all the time and you were left hangin'! I admit, part of that may be my fault when I spoil a lover and let him have his way straightaway and then he neglects the whole foreplay thing... gotta get off that crap. I like to spoil my lovers, but I deserve to be spoiled too. Dammit!
3) That I like the pursuit of a lover and once I get him, I'm on to the next. Not really... Besides, I like to be the one that's chased... on the rare freakin' occasion that I'm actually chased.
4) That I have a problem with authority. Yeah, I do. That's why I work for myself.
5) That I have a bad temper. I can. Sometimes.
6) That we Aries invented road rage. Okay, when I first got my car, I had no problems with the idiots on the road, but now... yes, I can be found swearing and talking to the morons I come across (and want to drive over) on the road. Just a tad road rage-y. O:-)
7) That I like to be the boss and everyone has to do things my way. Yeah. Again, that's why I work for myself. Working on the whole "they have to do it the way I say" thing...
It also told me, like all of the Cosmos and other astrological signs books, that Leos are a great match for me. Hmmm.. they've been big pains in my butt when I look at past experiences... all have broken my heart. What's the other compatible sign for me?
So anyway, I'm screwed according to this book. Great.
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