Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Last-Minute Booking

On Sunday, I did what was the most last-minute Party to date in my nearly 6 years of slinging dildos.  I got a call from a friend and we booked it for noon this on Sunday.   I booked this thing 19 hours before the Party!  Yep, 19 hours in advance and during Memorial Day Weekend.  Why not?

I didn't have any major plans for Sunday.  Monday was the day I was planning to spend eating with friends after all.  And as long as I'd be able to go out to Indigo Sunday night, I'd be fine. 

I'm glad I decided to do it and that my hostess could pull it off.  She asked for a noon start time since they all worked at the same bar and that would be the best time to get people together.  I was worried about people getting up in time since bar folks are usually up until all hours of the night.  :-p

In the end, it all worked out.   8 people showed, which is great considering when the Party was booked.  Her Party sales?  Over $500!  Definitely good for her!  She was able to get the one toy she really wanted at a great discount with her Hostess Credits.  She'd had her eye on a LELO product and I know she was happy she could get it. :-)  Who wouldn't want to get a LELO product for FREE or at a huge discount, ya know?

So the Party was at noon, I was done by 3:30, on the back of a motorcycle and on my way to Whipple Dam by 4:30.  And yes, I still made it to Indigo at the end of the night.  Sunday was a good day.  :-)

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