Thursday, June 23, 2011

FYP Convention

So this weekend is the "For Your Pleasure" annual Convention.  And this year, it's back to Las Vegas we go!

Convention is a great thing because it's when a bunch of consultants from across the country get too see each other again or meet each other in person for the first time and we learn how to better our business.

This will be my 5th Convention and I nearly wasn't going to go because money was tight this summer, so I'm excited to be attending.  It's kind of like summer camp for me because I go all year without seeing most of these folks, with e-mails, texts, and Facebook posts to hold me over throughout the year, so I get very excited to see them.

It looks like we'll have some fun stuff going on and one of my favorite parts of Convention is that attendees have the opportunity to see the newest products that have been added to the collection before the rest of the field.  That's so important to me.  I like seeing stuff in person -- getting it in my hands.  It's almost like a Party: touch, taste, turn on.

I know what a couple of the products are, but I can't tell you yet.  I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I am super-stoked!  Keep an eye here, on my Tumblr blog, and my Facebook Fan Page to see what's coming.

What amazes and disappoints me at the same time are the folks who can't even be bothered to attend a single Convention.  If they went to just one, their business would grow so much because of the information you leave with.  I can understand financial situations, since that's what nearly did me in.  But even then, I signed up for the layaway plan to break up the cost of the registration.  I know that attending will only help me in the end.

Those folks who don't attend are the ones who will also complain about their businesses not doing well.  You have to work it.  I know that if my Parties are lacking, it's because I haven't worked hard enough to get bookings.  I have only myself to blame.  If I couldn't attend this year's convention, I'd probably be pretty bummed.

I feel it's part of my job to learn as much as I can so I can pass the information onto my customers, ya know?  That's why I read industry magazines and biz magazines, and why I'll try to attend other industry events as well.

Stay tuned for more FYP updates....

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